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Our Brand Promises calculates your cheapest health insurance policy because it compares every Private Health Information Statement (PHIS). 

There is a Private Health Information Statement (PHIS) for every policy which includes the government-approved monthly premium. 

The price you ultimately pay may be affected by other factors which the PHIS does not include. They are the Government Rebate (also known as the Private Health Insurance Rebate), Age-based Discount, Lifetime Health Cover Loading, insurer promotions and adult dependant variations.

It all starts by comparing every policy from every insurer to calculate your cheapest policy
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On this website we make these specific references: 

  • Policy: refers to the health insurance policy as defined in the Private Health Information Statement (PHIS).
  • PHIS: refers to the Private Health Information Statement. There is a PHIS for every policy which provides a summary of what the policy covers including the government-approved monthly premium before the Government Rebate, Age-based Discount, Lifetime Health Cover Loading, insurer promotions and adult dependant variations.
  • Premium: refers to the government-approved monthly premium specified on the PHIS.
  • Price: refers to the price you may finally pay after inclusion of the Government Rebate, Age-based Discount, Lifetime Health Cover Loading, insurer promotions and adult dependant variations.
  • Government incentives and penalties: include the Government Rebate, Age-based Discount and Lifetime Health Cover Loading.
  • Adult dependant variations: refers to adult dependant non-students and/or adult dependants with a disability.
  • Insurer promotions: refers to discounts, services, waivers and other offers by insurers. 

On we promise True Comparisons™. 

Our True Comparisons™ compare every insurer and every policy with no commercial bias and guarantee you the cheapest policy.

Our True Comparisons allow you to compare without entering your name, email or phone number.

Information on how the Australian government regulates Private Health Insurance is available here.

Compare Every Insurer 

Compare all Australian health insurers and every policy

  • There are 32 registered insurers in Australia:
  • Registered health insurers also sell their policies under 18 other brands. Those brands are not registered health insurers, but their policies are provided by a registered insurer.
  • The Australian government requires private health insurers to provide a Private Health Information Statement (PHIS) for every policy.
  • A PHIS provides a summary of what the policy covers including the government-approved monthly premium.
  • Private health insurers are required to keep the PHIS up-to-date and they are required to notify the Australian government and policyholders of any changes.
  • The Australian government makes available the latest PHIS for every policy from every health insurer.
  • We compare all Australian health insurers and every policy because we use the PHIS data provided by the Australian government.
  • The Australian government data is updated monthly. We update our Calculator monthly.

No Commercial Bias

Compare using independent and comprehensive information

  • We provide a comparison and information service. 
  • We compare all Australian health insurers and every policy. 
  • Premiums are ranked from cheapest to most expensive without bias to any insurer.
  • For every policy we provide:
    • the Private Health Information Statement (PHIS) government-approved monthly premium
    • information about cover, benefits, features, waiting periods, limits and exclusions
    • insurer contact details.
  • The policies and information we display are filtered based on the information you enter. The accuracy of what you enter ensures that we display what is relevant to your requirements. We show your results from cheapest to most expensive based on policies that meet your requirements.
  • We do not sell private health insurance.  
  • We do have commercial arrangements, however those commercial arrangements do not determine how we rank policies. Details of our commercial arrangements are available at How We Make Money
  • We review content regularly to ensure it is up-to-date. The date of the last review is shown at the top of pages. 

Cheapest Policy Guaranteed

Compare all Private Health Information Statements, cheapest to most expensive

  • The Australian government regulates health insurance premiums.
  • Private health insurers must apply to the Australian government to change premiums.
  • Premium changes approved by the government must be reflected in an updated Private Health Information Statement (PHIS).
  • A PHIS provides a summary of what the health insurance policy covers including the government-approved monthly premium.
  • Private health insurers are required to have a PHIS for every policy.
  • Private health insurers are required to keep the PHIS up-to-date.
  • We guarantee the cheapest policy because we use the government-approved monthly premium from the latest PHIS.
  • A PHIS must show the monthly premium before the Government Rebate, Age-based Discount and Lifetime Health Cover Loading are applied.
  • The PHIS premium may not be the price you ultimately pay. These factors can affect the final price:
  • The Rebate, Discount and Loading vary depending on your individual situation. The final price you pay for health insurance is determined by the PHIS government-approved premium, as well as the Rebate, Discount and Loading. Unless the Rebate, Discount and Loading are also calculated, the PHIS premium may not be the price you pay. We do calculate your Rebate, Discount and Loading percentages. We do not apply them to the government-approved premium.
  • Some insurers may also offer promotions for the policies they offer, such as a limited number of weeks free, waivers on wait periods and gifts. We do not calculate or apply insurer promotions. 
  • We do not include premium adjustment where a policy covers 2 or more people and includes an adult dependant non-student or an adult dependant with a disability.
  • The information and premiums from the Calculator are based on the information you provide and depend on the accuracy of that information.
  • While our Calculator will show you the cheapest to most expensive policies based on the government-approved premium, you should consider your needs carefully before committing to a policy. Some cheaper policies may not be suitable for your needs or could be less value for money in the long term. The information on is for general information only and should not be taken as constituting professional advice.

Free Open Access

Compare without entering your name, email or phone number

  • Everything we offer on this website, including health insurance premiums and information, is available for free.
  • You do not have to enter your name, email or phone number to get results or information. 
  • Once you have used our website, we will not contact you unless you have specifically requested or opted-in for us to do so.  
  • If you provide us with any contact details, we will not pass those contact details to any other party unless you have authorised us to do so.
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calculate your health insurance