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Does the Lifetime Health Cover Loading apply to a dependant over 31 years of age?  

Reviewed and updated 12 September 2024

Yes. The Lifetime Health Cover Loading (LHCL) does apply to a dependant over the age of 31, which may result in an increase to your health insurance premium. 

The LHCL is a penalty imposed on people taking out Hospital Cover for the first time after the age of 31. If a dependant with a disability over the age of 31 gets Hospital Cover for the first time under the policy of their parent(s) or guardians, they will incur the Lifetime Health Cover Loading. This means their Hospital Cover will cost an extra 2% for every year over the age of 30 they were when cover began, which remains in place for 10 years.  

The Loading will be averaged between the number of adults on the policy (including the dependant with a disability).  

If a dependant with a disability takes out their own policy after the age of 31 then transfers to the policy of their parent, they will carry their Lifetime Health Cover Loading onto the new policy. If a dependant with a disability over the age of 31 gets cover for the first time under a parent’s policy then takes up a policy of their own, they will also carry their Lifetime Health Cover Loading with them. 

Son with a disability 

Eleni has a dependant son, Pete, who is 34 and has a disability. He has never had Hospital Cover before. Eleni lists him as a dependant with a disability on her policy. He incurs 6% Lifetime Health Cover Loading (2% x 3 years). Eleni does not have Lifetime Health Cover Loading, so her premium is increased by 3% (the average of 6% and 0%) to cover Pete. This Loading will stop after 10 years (when Pete is 44).  

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