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Reviewed and updated 1 April 2024

What is Major Dental?

Major Dental is where a dentist or dental surgeon provides complex dental treatments, including: 

  • bridges
  • crowns
  • complex fillings
  • tooth extractions.

In contrast, General Dental is where a dentist or dental surgeon provides basic treatment for your teeth, including:

  • check-ups
  • cleaning
  • simple fillings.

Is Dentistry a regulated profession in Australia? 

Yes. In Australia, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the Dental Board of Australia regulate Dentistry.

Does private health insurance cover Major Dental?

If your private health insurance covers Major Dental, it falls under Extras Cover.

Ask your insurer whether it covers Major Dental.

If so, check whether Major Dental is subject to:

  • a waiting period before you can make a claim
  • per claim limits
  • annual limits.

Note, whether a treatment is classified as General Dental or Major Dental depends on each insurer’s rules. Always ask your insurer whether it covers Major Dental and exactly what that includes.

If I have Extras Cover that includes Major Dental, will I be covered if I see any Dentist?

No. To be covered, your Dentist must be a member of an Australian peak body or professional organisation. They must also have approval to be registered under the state and territory laws where they operate.

In addition, your health insurer can decide whether or not to cover treatments from a particular provider.

Some insurers may require you to see a Dentist who is one of their recognised providers only.

Before seeking treatment, always check with your health insurer that you are covered. .

Does Medicare cover Major Dental?

No. Medicare does not cover the cost of Major Dental.

Do the Australian, state or territory governments subsidise dental services?

Yes. Each of the Australian states and territories runs dental health services.

Depending on the state and territory where you live and your individual circumstances, you may be eligible for free or subsidised dental services:

Each state and territory offers different services. You may have to wait up to a year or more to see a dentist.

Your child may also be covered for some dental services through the Australian Government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

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