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Explore Overview
Reviewed and updated 12 September 2024

These are the factors which do not impact on your health insurance premium and the price you will ultimately pay:  

  • Age  

Your age does not affect your health insurance premium. However your age may make you eligible for an Age-based Discount, which will reduce the price you pay for your policy if you are under 30, or it could mean you have to pay the Lifetime Health Cover Loading which would increase the premium for your policy if you did not take out Hospital Cover before the age of 31.  

  • Child dependants 

Children are defined as being single and aged up to 18. The number of children you have does not affect your premium.  

  • Health conditions 

Health insurance is community rated not risk rated, which means you will not pay more if you have a higher risk of making a claim. Your health needs, including any health conditions you have, will not impact on your premium. However if you have pre-existing conditions there may be a 12-month waiting period before you can claim for related treatments and services. 

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