If you have to pay the Lifetime Health Cover Loading because you took out Hospital Cover for the first time when you were over 31, you will have to pay it for 10 years.
Here are some examples of how the Lifetime Health Cover Loading works in practice (based on birthdays falling before 1 July):
A person who is over 30 when they take out Hospital Cover
Milly is 34 and takes out Hospital Cover for the first time. She will pay an 8% Loading (2% x 4 years) on the cost of her Hospital Cover. After Milly has paid the Loading for 10 years, it will stop.
A person who is over 40 when they take out Hospital Cover
Melissa is 44 when she takes out Hospital Cover for the first time. She will pay a 28% Loading (2% x 14 years) on top of the cost of her Hospital Cover. After Melissa has paid the Loading for 10 years, it will stop.
A person who is over 50 when they take out Hospital Cover
Fred is 55 when he takes out Hospital Cover for the first time. He will pay a 50% Loading (2% x 25 years) on top of the cost of his Hospital Cover. After Fred has paid the Loading for 10 years, it will stop.
A person who is over 60 when they take out Hospital Cover
Bev is 67 and takes out Hospital Cover for the first time. She will pay a 2% Loading on the cost of her Hospital Cover. As the Loading is capped at 70%, Bev will pay 70% not 74% (2% x 37 years). After Bev has paid the Loading for 10 years, it will stop.