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Reviewed and updated 1 April 2024

What is Audiology?

Audiology is the study of hearing and balance. The inner ear is required for balance as well as hearing.

An Audiologist specialises in hearing loss and balance disorders. 

Audiologists can:

  • give you a hearing test
  • advise on whether you need hearing aids
  • help if you have a balance problem
  • provide counselling 
  • teach lip-reading.

They can help people experiencing hearing loss to use Hearing Aids and other technologies to improve their ability to communicate.

Is Audiology a regulated profession in Australia? 

No. In Australia, Audiology is a self-regulated profession.

The Australian College of Audiology (ACAud) certifies Audiologists for a range of funded hearing services, some by private health insurers.

Audiology Australia accredits members who:

  • have an approved university qualification
  • meet continuing professional development requirements
  • comply with a code of ethics. 

Does private health insurance cover Audiology?

If your private health insurer covers Audiology, it falls under Extras Cover.

Ask your insurer whether it covers Audiology.

If so, check whether Audiology is subject to:

  • a waiting period before you can make a claim
  • per claim limits
  • annual limits.

If I have Extras Cover that includes Audiology, will I be covered if I see any Audiologist? 

No. To be covered, you can only see an Audiologist who is:

  • a Full Member of Audiology Australia and holds that organisation’s Certificate of Clinical Practice, or
  • an Ordinary Member – Audiologist or Fellow Audiologist of the Australian College of Audiology.

In addition, your health insurer can also decide whether or not to cover treatments from a particular provider.

Some insurers may require you to see an Audiologist who is one of their recognised providers only.

Before seeking treatment, always check with your health insurer that you are covered.

Does Medicare cover Audiology?

Yes. Medicare covers Audiology treatments but only in certain situations, including: 


  • have a chronic condition and complex care needs, or
  • live in an aged care facility, or
  • are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent


  • your GP recommends Audiology health services
  • the consultation lasts at least 20 minutes
  • you receive no more than 5 services in a calendar year.

Medicare may also cover Audiology for diagnosis and treatment of a developmental disorder or other disability for a person under the age of 25.

Does the Australian Government cover or subsidise the cost of Audiology?

Yes. The Australian Government may cover the cost of your hearing test if you are eligible for the Hearing Services Program (HSP). This program may also cover some or all of the costs of Hearing Aids or assistive listening devices. 

You are eligible for the HSP if you:

  • hold a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
  • receive a Centrelink Sickness Allowance
  • hold a DVA Pensioner Concession Card
  • hold a DVA Gold Health Repatriation Card
  • hold a DVA White Health Repatriation Card (for hearing loss)
  • are a dependant of a concession card holder
  • are a member of the Australian Defence Force.

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