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How does the Lifetime Health Cover Loading work for new migrants to Australia?

Reviewed and updated 3 April 2024

If you are a new migrant to Australia, the Lifetime Health Cover Loading and Base Day rules are different.

If you are a new migrant, your Base Day will be the later of:

For example:

A migrant who was 21 when they arrived in Australia and received their Medicare registration in 2016

Felipe was born on 2 January 1990, migrated to Australia in 2011 when he was 21 and received his Medicare registration on 13 April 2016. His Base Day is 1 July 2021 because that is the later date of:
– 1 July following Felipe’s 31st birthday
– the first anniversary of Felipe’s full Medicare registration.

A migrant who was 36 when they arrived in Australia and received their Medicare registration in 2019

Vashti migrated to Australia when she was 36 and received her Medicare registration on 1 September 2019. Her Base Day is 1 September 2020 because that is the later date of:
– 1 July following Vashti’s 31st birthday
– the first anniversary of Vashti’s full Medicare registration.

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